Strong Thing
- You and me and a couple of poets
- Can talk about this but who would believe us
- Tell me something that's never been said
- Got the world in my hands will I smash it to pieces?
- Show me a millionaire
- Who don't play the lottery
- Show me a dj
- Who don't stutter in company
- I'm taking your word this is a strong thing
- Last time I did it was a wrong thing
- You make me like country music
- You make me doubt that I'm not stupid
- I wrote you a letter
- But I blacked out some words
- It's not worth explaining
- Nothing you ain't heard
- But you can read my mind
- Or we wouldn't be here now
- If you couldn't read my mind
- I couldn't show you how
- A baby's crying on a park bench
- That doesn't matter this could be anywhere
- You're a liar in many universes
- Thank god I don't live there
- Show me a magician
- Any kid can't tell's a fraud
- Show me a priest
- Who knows that there's a god